Do wigs make your hair fall out?

Fear, embarrassment and paranoia often accompany hair loss in women. It often defines our sexuality, affects our confidence and how beautiful we feel. They’re a great way to express yourself, change up your look without commitment, and are a quick style change for an event.

In recent years, the demand for wigs has been influenced by various factors, such as fashion trends, cultural preferences, medical reasons and cosplay. The industry serves not only individuals seeking alternative hairstyles but also individuals with hair loss conditions or those who use wigs for professional purposes.

Wearing wigs itself does not cause hair loss. However, improper wig usage or certain underlying factors contributes to additional hair loss. Here are a few reasons why you might be experiencing hair loss when wearing wigs.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss caused by tension and pulling on the hair. If a wig is worn too tightly or secured with clips, pins, or adhesive tapes that pull on the hair, it can lead to traction alopecia over time. Just like with natural hair, if a wig is worn too tightly or is secured with clips, pins, or adhesive tapes that pull on the hair, it can lead to traction alopecia. This condition occurs when there is excessive tension and pulling on the hair, which can result in hair loss over time.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may experience scalp irritation or allergic reactions to the materials used in synthetic wigs, such as the fibers, dyes, adhesives, or wig caps. Scalp irritation can cause itching, redness, and inflammation, but it typically doesn't lead to hair loss unless there is excessive scratching or rubbing of the affected area.

Poor Wig Quality

Low-quality wigs made from harsh materials or synthetic fibers that do not allow the scalp to breathe properly can cause scalp irritation and potentially lead to hair loss. To minimize the risk of hair loss when wearing synthetic wigs, it is important to choose high-quality wigs, avoid excessive tension and pulling on the hair, ensure a proper fit that is not too tight, and maintain good scalp hygiene. This friction, combined with any pulling or tugging, can potentially damage the hair and contribute to hair loss.

Incorrect Wig Installation

If a wig is attached too tightly or secured with clips, pins, or adhesive tapes that pull on the hair, it can lead to traction alopecia. This condition occurs when there is constant tension and pulling on the hair, causing the hair follicles to weaken and eventually leading to hair loss.


Wearing wigs excessively tight or using adhesive methods that hinder proper airflow can lead to scalp issues, including potential hair loss. When wigs are worn inappropriately they significantly impact oxygen supply to the scalp and impede hair growth.

Wig that are made with synthetic materials don’t allow air circulation and ventilation. These materials prevent air from reaching the scalp and cause excessive heat buildup. Improperly constructed wigs without breathable features prevent oxygen from reaching the scalp.

Harsh Adhesives

Some people use adhesives to secure their wigs, particularly when they want a more secure fit. However, using harsh or inappropriate adhesives, or applying them incorrectly, can result in damage to the hair and scalp. This can include adhesive residues sticking to the hair, scalp irritation, or even allergic reactions, which can contribute to hair loss. The same goes for using expired glue. Honestly, glue makes me cringe.

Incorrect Wig Size or Fit

Wearing a wig that is too tight or doesn't fit properly can cause significant discomfort and lead to hair breakage or loss. The constant rubbing and friction between the wig and your scalp can weaken the hair shafts and contribute to hair loss over time.

Underlying Hair and Scalp Conditions

If you already have pre-existing hair or scalp conditions like alopecia areata, seborrheic dermatitis, or scalp psoriasis, wearing a wig, whether synthetic or natural, may exacerbate these conditions and potentially lead to increased hair loss.

It's important to note that many individuals wear wigs without experiencing any hair loss. Proper wig selection, correct application techniques, and maintaining good scalp health can help minimize the risk of hair loss associated with wearing wigs.

To minimize the risk of hair loss from wearing wigs, it is important to ensure proper application, attatchment techniques and practices. This includes avoiding excessive tension, using gentle and appropriate adhesives, choosing a wig that fits comfortably, and regularly giving your hair and scalp breaks from wig wearing to allow them to breathe and recover.

Additionally, consulting with a professional wig stylist or a hair specialist can provide guidance on proper installation methods and help prevent hair loss associated with wig usage.

If you have concerns about hair loss, it's always advisable to consult with a Dermatologist or Hair Loss Specialist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Genn Shaughnessy

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