BB Glow Facial

BB Glow, also known as collagen induction therapy is the newest technology after the introduction of micro needling. Dermatologists have been using Nano Needling for decades to treat facial scars and other aesthetic applications.

BB Glow is a safe and non invasive technique that involves pricking the skin multiple times with ultra thin needles using a specially designed Dermapen. By creating thousands of microscopic channels we can simultaneously deposit specifically designed serums with active ingredients into the skin to further assist with the regeneration process and combat unwanted skin conditions like wrinkles, acne, hyper pigmentation, fine lines and blemishes. This also increases product absorption to 97% which means the majority of the product will be delivered to its intended target and we can virtually eliminate product waste. It has recently seen a surge in popularity in the aesthetic world when used in conjunction with our multiple BB glow treatments.

For BB Glow treatments a minimum of 3 sessions are required spaced 2 weeks apart as opposed to micro needling treatments where you need to wait 4 to 6 weeks between treatments.

The BB Glow Procedure

Depending on the area of your face or body that is being treated and the type of device used, the procedure is well-tolerated and in some cases virtually painless, feeling only a mild prickling sensation. Your practitioner will apply a topical ointment to your skin prior to treatment to reduce any pain and discomfort. In this case we use lidocaine, please let us know in advance if you need an alternative. Your skin will be pink or red in appearance, much like a sunburn, for a couple of hours following treatment. Minor bleeding and bruising is possible depending on the length of the needle used and the number of times it is pressed across the treatment area. Your skin may feel warm, tight, and itchy for a short while. This should subside in 12-48 hours. As with any procedure you receive, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your practitioner.



  • There will be some discomfort and a warm sensation in the treated area for 24-hours following treatment.

  • Swelling and redness will occur and usually subsides after 48-hours. It is quite normal for mild sensitivity and redness after treatment. The skin may resemble moderate sunburn, as the skin naturally heals the redness will resolve. The skin may remain red for three to four days after treatment, although it is usual for it to subside within two day and many people are able to return to their normal activities the same day.

  • Do not use any perfume, perfumed cosmetics or skincare products containing fragrance, use only repair cream

  • If you experience any adverse reactions that appear to be attributed to the use of the home care products, you must discontinue the use of them.

  • Hands should be thoroughly washed or sanitized before touching the treated skin area or applying skincare products to the area, immediately after and in the first two days after the procedure.

  • Dryness and flakiness will occur and can possibly scab. This can last for up to 7 days post-procedure.
    The skin will look dry for a few days and we recommend the use of repair cream.
    All facial skin procedures, excluding injection based treatments, should be avoided for 1 month after treatment.

  • Direct sun exposure and tanning bed use is strictly prohibited. Sun protection of at least SPF 50 must be used at all times even when it is overcast or raining. If you fail to protect your skin from sun exposure, you will be at risk of uneven pigmentation and sunburn.

  • Use of saunas and any heat treatments are not recommended for a period of at least 2 weeks after the procedure. It is advisable not to participate in strenuous activities for 5 days after treatment to minimize side effects.

  • Makeup should not be worn for 24-hours post-procedure and we recommend using mineral makeup thereafter.


  • Side effects or risks are minimal with this type of treatment and typically include minor flaking or dryness of the skin with scab formation in rare cases.

  • Hyper-pigmentation (darkening of certain areas of the skin) can occur very rarely and usually resolves after a couple days to three weeks.

  • If you have a history of cold sores, this procedure may cause flare ups.
    Temporary redness and mild-sunburn effects may last up to 4 days.
    Freckles may temporarily lighten or permanently disappear in treated areas.

  • Other potential risks include: crusting, itching, discomfort, bruising, infection, swelling, and failure to achieve the desired result.

  • Permanent scarring (less than 1%) is extremely rare.

  • The benefits and risks of the procedure have been explained to me, and I accept these benefits and risks. The nature of my medical cosmetic condition has been explained to my satisfaction as have been any substantial or significant risks of harm. I am also aware of and accept the risk of rare and unforeseen complications which may not have been discussed and which may result from this treatment.


Genn Shaughnessy

If you have questions about this topic or have a topic you’d like me to cover, please feel free to contact me.

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